Symptoms and Signs of Breast Cancer

For the early symptoms include a lump usually feels different fromsurrounding breast tissue, painless and usually have an irregular edge.

In the early stages, when driven by a finger, a lump can be moved easily under the skin.
In later stages, the lump usually adheres to the chest wall or skinaround it. In advanced cancer, can form a swollen lump or breast skin ulcers.
Sometimes the skin over the lump shrank and looked like an orange peel.

Other symptoms that may be found a lump or mass in the armpit,change size or shape of the breast, an abnormal discharge from the nipple (usually bloody or yellow to green, may also be pus), change incolor or texture of the skin on the breast, nipple and areola (dark brown colored area around the nipple), breast looks red, the skin around the nipple scaly nipple interestedin or feel itching, breast tenderness or swelling of one breast.

At an advanced stage may develop bone pain, weight loss,swelling of arms or ulcerated skin.


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