Microscopic examination of tumor samples that can describe the histopathological of cell-structure of the suspected cancer tissue.
It also determines a person can be convicted of getting cancer or not. It is strongly influenced at all when taking biopsy material, it can represent the whole condition of the tumor or not.
There are several ways taking biopsies. This can be selected withconsideration of the location of the tumor, the effectiveness ofretrieval, the facilities available and the possibility of radicalismtumor itself.
Known to exist: an open biopsy (excision, and incisional biopsy),biopsy needles, trucut biopsy, punch biopsy, and curettage biopsy (biopsy scrapings). From this examination can be determined the type, nature of tumor cells, and levels of differentiation (a change) so that cells from the normal structure could be known just how fierce the tumor cells.
From this information the doctor can predict the outcome of therapythat will be given.
From this information the doctor can predict the outcome of therapythat will be given.
To do a biopsy examine can be performed before major surgery done(which is more recommended), or it could be at the time of surgeryas a therapeutic effort.
The most important thing in mind that whatever the outcome, the patient has the right to know and get the results of the pathology examination.
And the dangers if delayed much longer.
There is no certainty whether the biopsy can make the cancer cellsspread more rapidly or not.
There are doctors who say yes, there is also a doctor who said no.but one thing is for sure "neddle test" does not make the cancercells spread.